Vanilla oil

Vanilla oil

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Common Name:  Vanilla oil

Botanical Name:  Vanilla planifolia

Other Names:  Vanilla Pods oil, Vanilla Beans Oil, vanilla essential oil


Vanilla oil is obtained from VANILLA PLANTS which are mainly grown in Mexico and neighbouring countries and has a scientific name VANILLA PLANIFOLIA. Also Pre- Columbian Mesoamerican people were originally known to cultivate the vine of the vanilla. The oil holds properties like anti-depressant, febrifuge, sedative, relaxing, tranquilizing, and anti- carcinogenic and anti-oxidant. It is extracted by solvent extraction of a resinous substance obtained from fermented Vanilla beans which are obtained from the vanilla plants. It contains acetic acid, eugenol, furfural, vanillin hydroxybenzaldehyde and isobutyric acid. The plants are flat leaved and have got the name from the diminutive of the Spanish word vaina (meaning pod).

Uses of Vanilla oil

Pharmaceutical and Medicinal uses:
The anti oxidant property of the vanilla oil neutralizes the free radicals and protects the body from wears and tears. Therefore it is very useful in the treatment of various types of infections. It is even said to cure many types of cancers including the cancer of the colon. Also it has proved to be effective in patients suffering from impotency, loss of libido etc. It can also reduce fever by fighting infections and is also used as an anti - depressant. Therefore in the home remedies it is an excellent drug of choice in very high temperatures. It is also helpful in many mental disorders.

Culinary uses: 
The three main commercial preparations include whole pod, powder and extract. It is mostly used as flavoring agent in foods like ice cream, cakes, chocolates, pastries, custards, biscuits, confectioneries, soft drinks etc.

Other uses: 
Also it is used by cosmetic industries to make perfumes.

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