Ajowan oil

Ajowan oil


Common Name: Ajowan Oil

Botanical Name: Trachyspermum ammi

Other Names: Carum copticum, Carom seeds oil, Cumin seeds


Ajowan oil is derived from an herb known as the bishop’s weed. Belonging to the family Umbeliferae (the foliage takes the shape of an umbrella) the botanical name for this herb is Carum copticum. The oil is steam distilled from the seeds of this herb. Although the plant is a native of Egypt, but this oil is primarily produced in India, Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan.

The herb grows in an annual cycle, and grows to about 2 feet. The chemical constituents of the oil include mainly thymol (35-60%). Other ingredients of the oil include limonene, alpha-pinene, p-cymene and gamma-terpinene.

Uses of Ajowan oil

Mecicinal uses: Ajowan oil is an Ayurvedic remedy for the treatment of physical symptoms like sinus congestion, constipation, dyspepsia, and stagnation in respiratory as well as digestive tracts. The oil stimulates the circulatory system, appetite and is highly efficient in promoting sleep and relaxing sore muscles.

Culinary uses: The traditional use of Ajowan oil and Ajowan seeds in cooking has been long recognized in India due to its medicinal properties. In addition, the use of Ajowan for culinary purposes is also popular in Arabic countries. In Bengali culinary culture the seeds are an ingredient of the five spices mixture known as the Paanch Phoron.

Aromatherapy: Though the oil is widely used for smelling in various diseases but experts do not recommend the oil for massage in aromatherapy as it can cause irritation to the skin and mucous membrane. However, if required for massage it is diluted with other vegetable oils preferably olive oil.

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