Lemon grass oil

Lemon grass oil


Common Name:  Lemon grass oil

Botanical Name:  Cymbopogon Citratus

Other Names:  Citronella grass, Malabar grass, East-Indian lemongrass


Lemon grass is commonly known as Cymbopogon and is a genus of about 55 species of grasses. Out of which the type of species is Cymbopogon citratus which is both a soft and natural tea Anxiolytic. It is native to the warm temperature and tropical regions of Oceania and Old World. It is a tall perennial grass with a number of common names like lemon grass, silky heads, barbed wire grass, lemongrass and others. In India it is known as 'choomana poolu' -the other name for Indian Melissa oil.

Since it is native to Tropical Asia and India, it is one of the widely used herbs as it has subtle citrus flavor. It can be used in dried, powdered or fresh form. It is most commonly used in curries, soups, and teas. Lemon grass oil has a characteristic lemony and sweet flavor. It has a dark yellow to amber reddish color and is known for its watery viscosity. It is one of the fast-growing aromatic grasses and grows about 3 feet in height. It has long and thin leaves and originally grew as a wild grass in India. It rapidly produces a network of rootlets that can exhaust the soil rapidly.

Uses of Lemon Grass Oil
In aromatherapy it is used as an antiseptic, deodorant and carminative.

Medicinal Uses: Lemon grass oil is also used as a pesticide and preservative since it has anti-fungal properties. Despite its ability to keep insects away it is used to lure honey bees. Lemon grass oil revitalizes the body and helps to relieve the signs of jetlag, helps to combat nervous system, stress-related conditions and clears headache.

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