Tea rose oil

Tea rose oil


Common Name:  Tea rose oil

Botanical Name:  Rosa hybrid 'Peak Performance'

Other Names:  Hybrid tea rose, Tea rose, Tea rose perfume


Rose is a woody perennial plant with sharp thorns. The flowers vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy in colours ranging from yellow and reds. It belongs to the genus Rosa and family of Rosaceae. Most species are native to Asia. They usually grow in the winter season.

Tea rose oil is made from the nature identical compounds of roses which is a mixture of volatile essential oils obtained by steam distilling the crushed petals of roses. The oil is transparent but sometimes becomes pale yellow in colour. this is a very good quality fragrance as compare to its cost and odor profile.

Uses of Rose flower :

Aromatherapy uses Rose flower:  In aromatherapy this oil is used to revitalize the body, It is also used in cream and lotions. It soothes and calms our mind due to its fragrance. Therefore it is also extensively used to massage the scalp.

Medicinal uses Rose flower: It is a good source of vitamin C. Many roses have been used in herbal and indigenous system of treatment. It is also used in Chinese traditional system of treatment for long. The oil is extensively used for stomach problems and is being investigated for controlling cancer growth. Tea Rose oil is also used for the relief in chronic constipations.

Culinary uses Rose flower: It is pressed and filtered to make rose syrup. It is used in making skin products and some makeup products. It is used as a flavoring essence in food.

Holistic uses Rose flower: It is used in cooking, cosmetics, medicine and religious practices. It is used for decorations also.

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