Evening Primrose oil

Evening Primrose oil


Common Name:  Evening Primrose oil

Botanical Name:  Cenothera biennis

Other Names:  Cowslip, Night willow-herb, Sundrop plant, Scabish


Evening Primrose oil is native to North America but is also cultivated in most parts of Europe, parts of Africa and Asia. Its biological name is Oenothera which is a genus of 125 annual, biennial and perennial herbaceous flowering plants. It belongs to the Onagraceae family and is known by other common names like sundrops and suncups.

Primrose essential oil is extracted from the bright colored yellow flowers of its Evening Primrose plant. Its scientific name is known as Primula vulgaris. The color of the oil is lemon yellow and its smell is like that of lemon. The oil contains an essential fatty acid, known as gammalinolenic acid (GLA) which is required for growth and development. It also has anti-inflammatory and immunity boosting properties. This oil is available in the market as a liquid or in capsules.

Uses of Evening Primrose Oil

Aromatherapy: In the aromatherapy world Evening Primrose oil is known as carrier oil. It is precious oil because it has an array of medicinal, cosmetic, health and food benefits. Since it is rich in GLA, it makes it good for acne and pimples. Due to its antiseptic properties it is used to relieve itching and flaking in patients suffering from eczema.

Other Uses: In manufacturing industry primrose oil is widely used in cosmetics and soaps. The fatty acids present in this oil play an important role to decrease inflammation which is caused due to eczema and arthritis. It is well tolerated by most people with almost no side effects.

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