Grape seed oil

Grape seed oil


Common Name:  Grape seed oil

Botanical Name:  Vitis vinifera

Other Names:  Vinifera seeds, Grape Seed Extract, Grapes, Grapeseed


Grape seed oil is also known as grape oil or grapeseed oil.  It is extracted from the pressed seeds of grapes. Therefore, the by-product also used abundantly by wine-making industries. Its biological name is Vitis vinifera and over the years has been known for its medicinal and nutritional value. Even Greeks and Egyptians have praised the healing power of grapes in the form of wine.

Today it is extensively used all over the world as it contains minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, antioxidants and vitamins. Grape seed oil contains high quantities of Vitamin E and F with minerals like copper, calcium, copper, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and selenium. Most grape seed oil has an abundant amount of proanthocyanidins (OPC). It is a compound that is rich in antioxidants and 20 times stronger than Vitamin C and 50 times more effective than Vitamin E.

Uses of Grape seed oil

Aromatherapy and Cosmetic Industry: Grape seed oil is widely preferred in aromatherapy and cosmetic industry as it helps to control moisture for your skin. Since it is light and transparent it leaves a film over your skin. It is used as carrier oil as it contains linoleum oil for various essential oils in aromatherapy. It is also touted as powerful anti-oxidant. Grape seed extract also helps to treat chronic venous insufficiency and oedema.

Medicinal uses: Grape seed oil is useful in the treatment of chronic venous insufficiency which results in the pooling of blood in the legs. The trouble leads to visible veins and fatigue in the legs. It is also helpful in reducing blood pressure and cholesterol.

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