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Indian Name: Mango
Botanical Name: Mangifera Indica
Other Names: mangot tree, Manguier, Mangifera
For Mango, famously known as Mangifera Indica by scientific name, Indian subcontinent is the native place and it became an important family member of Anacardiaceae. Mangifera Indica tree is cultivated mainly in regions like tropical and subtropical areas that are widely distributed in all over the world. Mango tree has become the part and parcel of the people and associated in various cultural ceremonies since the inception of the civilization.
Fruits and leaves are widely used for carrying out various religious ceremonies like wedding, festivals and fairs that can be found in different cultures of the people. Apart from the religious and ritualistic uses, the leaves are also used for decorations. The genesis of the name ‘Mango’ goes to the Tamil word. Getting back to history one can find the mention that it was during the 17th century in which mango was first brought to the American colonies in the form of pickle since there was refrigerator available.
Mango trees usually attain the height of around 35-40 m having a distinct crown of 10 m. The trees if properly cared, can survive for several years. Records and evidences are there saying some of the trees used to survive for three hundred years.
The ripe mangoes taste sweet and one can draw comparison of flavors and texture with plum. The fruit is used for making various cuisines in every part of the world. Edible products such as chutneys and pickles are made up from the unripe, sour mangoes. People also eat the unripe mangoes simply with pepper and salt.
The major products that are made out of the fruit include ice-creams, jams, jellies, smoothies and pies as well. On researching it has been found that a 100 gram of mangoes can provide around 65 kilocalories of energy. Various nutrients and phytochemicals are richly found in this fruit.
Chemical Composition
The chemicals that are richly found in the mangoes are vitamin C, provitamin A carotenoids, prebiotic dietary fiber and polyphenols. Scientific studies have found that skin cancers and prostrate can be cured with mangoes due to the presence of chemicals such as lupeol and triterpene. Today this fruit is enjoying as the national fruit for India, Philippines and Pakistan. The tree is the national tree of Bangladesh.
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